That time I got reincarnated as a slime

Thursday 4 August 2022

[POEM] A Beautiful Lifetime

Once upon a time, as I begin this story,
I approached a girl i liked, with a query.
"What is it that you desire? my fairy
"Happiness" she replied, with a smile so cheery.
And thus began my quest to make her merry.

Happiness is like the ocean, full of fishes, big and small.
Each fish equally important, in this vast aquarium, shaped like a ball.

I contemplated fishing for happiness, but failed 
Mustered my courage to dive but later bailed
Every fish i encountered, had a hook
There is always a catch, you've just gotta look.

Then i found a sunken ship, full of treasure
Extravagant and bewildering, in every measure.
The ship was repaired and ready to travel the seven seas
Adventure awaits, and so do a lot of mysteries.

The fairy chose to travel the seas across the nations
She realised that it's the journey that's fun, not the destination.

While searching for happiness we found each other's company,
And the rest of the story, as you know, is a beautiful lifetime's epiphany.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

A little part of me

As I look up upon the night sky,
Dark, starry and ever so high,
Standing beside you I let myself fly
past dreams, that would make me cry.

Time comes to a standstill sometimes,
While It gallops ahead the other times,
We hear the guard's voice as he chimes,
Preparing to punish us for our crimes.

We walk down the eerie road at night,
I never knew when I overcame my fright.
I felt that I evolved as a person altogether
as we walked in the ballet of shadows together.

We talked about the things great and small
Slowly I felt my brick walls began to fall
I couldn't ever accomplish this on my own
I always felt the strongest when I was alone

Did things I never dreamed I could accomplish,
Every moment felt like a never-ending wish
Times seldom change and so do people,
I wish it to remain same as long as stars twinkle

And hence the clock turns and here are we,
How I met someone that set me free
Somehow I overcame my greatest fears
And I dared to look beyond the tears.

There is so much I could tell about her
But that would need a book and lots of paper
For now, I conclude with what's left in me,
Thanks for understanding a little part of me.

Sunday 31 March 2019

[BLOG] A place called home

It's a straightforward thing that people come up with interesting ways to describe.
"Home is where heart is"
"Sometimes home isn't four walls, it's two eyes and a heartbeat"
"Home is people"
Of course, this is a noble line of thinking, but I could say that, home is a place where I can play games over 24 hours while playing loud music, while watching anime in the background, without any interruption.
I know what you're thinking, "that's such a teen way to describe home". I mean, every teen at one point in time, wishes the same. So what changes when we grow up?
What changes is that we realise the importance of bonds. Be it bonds of friendship, bonds of family, bonds of lovers, or any such bond for that matter. Human beings have managed to survive all these years against odds due to this mechanism. It's in-built mechanism in our brain that makes us think that herd is better than solo.
One of the downfalls of evolution. People begin to think that a person is ill or not fit for society if he is a loner.
The problem lies in evolution. Back in the early days of human evolution, people relied on herds to stay alive. Getting separated from the herd meant a certain death. Thus, our brains evolved. Making us think that being alone is wrong and what followed was the continuous downward spiral of the social stigma surrounding loneliness. This line of thinking is not only rudimentary but also harmful to individuality and creativity of the person. In the current era, humans have formed social cliques mimicking herds and try to justify it and pass it off as a norm.
Let me break it down for you guys. If we extrapolate human society into animal kingdom, I consider the new generation of humans herds as pack of wolves. They prey on the weak(people who are alone) and try to pass of their line of thinking as the truth. Every such clique of wolves has an alpha male/female whose words are regarded as the truth. People try to blend into the herds them to avoid being preys. Herd mentality makes them give up their line of thinking and inherently makes them all the more dependent on the herd. This ruins any shred of creativity they had and destroys their confidence.

Getting back to the topic of homes, it is a vastly subjective word. Everyone has their own definition of home. Which is fine, after all it's this individuality that separates us from the herd.

Well if we are picking animals, I would consider myself as the polar bear. Alone, hungry, lazy and glorious. Yeah we're dying out, (thanks global warming) but so is everyone, at a different pace.

Thursday 7 March 2019

[BLOG] My Internship Diary

>Posted in medicine OPD
(That's the out patient department)

This is going to be a daily thing so I will try to  keep it brief and to the point. I had a really good moment so I thought I'll keep it saved for eternity here to remind me why I work this hard.
Had an early start and started work at 9:15 am.
Had less patient inflow after a while. Solved a few mcqs in the meanwhile. It was a mildly busy day.
By the time it was lunchtime, I was completely drained off energy.
Got out for lunch break, saw this old lady walk in. Waited around for a bit.
Did her general examination and gave the results to the resident in charge. She had a slightly elevated bp, which wasn't worth raising eyebrows over, but as the resident had to prescribe something, he gave her an anti hypertensive stat. (Now if you don't know what that it, it's a drug to reduce bp- given one tablet only). Ignoring her complains of muscle pain. The residents are really drained themselves (working 20 hours/day at some point) to be able to treat the insane amount of patients, so they can't be blamed for the missing of the complaint. The old lady walked out to the pharmacist in our hospital and was surprised when she received only one tablet for all her problems. She asked them if there was any mistake, but they said that, that's what the prescription says. The old lady broken hearted went to eat her lunch. Feeling cheated she gulped her food and returned to the OPD. Now after lunch, I have the OPD to myself,  as the residents are busy with their pg activities.
I sat calmly doing my work, when I see the same old lady walk in again. She complained of being given the wrong prescription, which I read and told her that there was no mistake. She then complained of still having pain. I inquired more about the pain to which I realised that she did a lot of physical work even at her age. By simple examination, I figured out that it is a muscle pain that is her problem and not the joints and bones( which is common in old age). I gave her a safe muscle relaxant for 7 days and told her to return if the pain didn't get better. What followed  next moved me.
She got up, told me that no one took her complaints as seriously as I did. She gave me her blessings and walked out.
I have worked in the ward before(was posted for 15 days), and I know the feeling of satisfaction seen on the face of the patient when they are discharged. This was one of those days. I was glad that I worked my ass off to get to this point. It was in that very moment, I felt as if I actually did something worthwhile. It might be an insignificant thing in the grand scheme of things but it is these little things that make life worth living, It makes the juice worth the squeeze.
That's all for today, I gotta solve more mcqs, ciao later.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

[POEM] A Muffled Scream

A voice in the crowd that often goes unheard,
involving speech that deviates from the herd.
A clarion call that always went unnoticed,
Misrepresented words that's always quoted.

When their heart broke out in the open,
their dreams crashed and hopes dampen.
When they cried out without a sound,
a silence that deafened all around.

Life puts them in an overwhelming situation,
every step forward worsens their condition.
When everything seems like a misadventure,
they start to introspect even their minor venture.

Words that managed out, fell on deaf ears,
cursed with a company of horrible peers.
Expressions lost meaning with time,
friendships now seemed like a crime.

The world is full of people with eyes and ears,
who neither try to see, nor do they hear.
People often see a lot of them in pain,
What they fail to notice, makes it all in vain.

Friday 13 October 2017

[POEM] Start Today

When the past constantly fills you up with regret;
Or the future, about which, you want to forget.
A Promise that was impossible to be kept;
Or circumstances that made you feel inept.

A fall that was impossible for you to avoid;
A loss that left within you a deep void.
An opportunity that you could not seize;
The fleeting time that made you freeze.

Then stand up and puff your chest out;
Give your self esteem one loud shout.
Make up your mind to get out of this adversity;
Climb every single step with the same tenacity.

Start today, if you want to make a better tomorrow;
Start today, to rid yourself off your current sorrow.
Start today, to improve yourself in general;
Start today, for failures are ephemeral.

Friday 6 January 2017

[POEM] A glimpse of yourself

On a journey while chasing you dreams,
Running unfazed past unfortunate screams.

Making haste while ignoring the waste,
Eating food without savoring the taste.
Saving every penny for a better tomorrow,
Spending every moment in sheer sorrow.

Worrying about the uncertainty of the future,
While trying to fix your past with a suture.
Weeping inside just to make people smile,
Wondering what makes the sadness pile.

Sometimes entering a room without light,
While leaving a room not so bright,
Getting entranced by a sudden fright,
Without noticing that you lack sight.

Reaching the goal sure is an important thing,
But it is all meaningless if you're not living.